Taylors recognized for outstanding contributions to Baghdad Life Support Services. Certificate of Appreciation from Ambassador Stuart Jones – Thursday, January 1, 2015
Certification of Appreciation presented to the BLiSS food service team.
PAE BLiSS Food Service Team Receives Certificate of Appreciation from Ambassador Stuart Jones
Part of PAE’s duties for the Baghdad Life Support Services (BLiSS) contract at the U.S. Embassy in Baghdad, Iraq is to run the logistics of the food services. The PAE food service team and subcontractor team Taylors were recognized in January with a Certificate of Appreciation for their outstanding contribution in improving the quality of the Embassy cafeteria food and operations. “With over a 97% positive customer feedback rating, your decision to start preparing more meals using fresh ingredients and move away from heat-and-serve food has had a huge impact on post moral,” wrote Ambassador Stuart Jones on the certificate.